欧博体育完全致力于为员工和学生提供平等的就业和教育机会. 学院不歧视或容忍工作场所或学术环境中的歧视或骚扰, on the basis of race, color, religion, 性别(包括是否怀孕及是否为人父母), national origin, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, protected veteran status, 或其他受法律保护的特征.
For purposes of this policy, 骚扰被定义为:(a)受法律保护阶层的不受欢迎行为, including: race, color, religion, sex, national origin, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, protected veteran status, 或其他受法律保护的特征; and (b) that is so severe or pervasive that it interferes with an individuals’ work or academic performance or creates an intimidating, 充满敌意或攻击性的工作环境.
学院对性骚扰和相关问题的定义可在反性骚扰政策中找到, located on the Title IX Office website.
All workplace and academic policies, 学院的项目和活动符合并应符合适用的联邦和州有关非歧视的法律,包括, 但不限于:经修订的1964年民权法案第六章, 1972年教育修正案第九条, 1973年康复法案第504条, 以及1974年的《欧博体育》. 学院的平等机会政策适用于学院的教育政策, admission policies, 奖学金,贷款项目和体育项目. 这项政策适用于所有的雇佣决定, 包括影响招聘的因素, advertising, job application procedures, hiring, upgrading, training, promotion, transfer, compensation, job assignments, benefits, and/or other terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, 只要个人是合格的, 有或没有合理的安排, 履行工作的基本职能.
The College’s students, 员工和申请人不得受到骚扰, intimidation or any type of retaliation because they have (1) filed a complaint; (2) assisted or participated in an investigation, compliance review, 听证会或任何其他与联邦政府有关的活动, state or local law requiring equal employment opportunity; (3) opposed any act or practice made unlawful by any federal, 要求机会均等的州或地方法律; or (4) exercised any other legal right protected by federal, 要求机会均等的州或地方法律.
有关这些事项的问题或关注, 鼓励学院员工与格伦丁宁大厅的人力资源助理总监/AA和平等就业机会官员联系, phone: (240) 895-4309. 我们鼓励学生与负责学生事务的副校长/教务长联系, Calvert Hall 222, phone: (240) 895-4208; and the Title IX Coordinator, Lucille Clifton House, phone: (240) 895- 4105, 关于对性别歧视的关切.
See the Non-Discrimination Procedures for more information.
Prohibited Sex Discrimination
学院在其教育项目或活动中也不存在性别歧视, 和1972年教育修正案第九条(“第九条”), 20 U.S.C. Sec. 1681, et seq.,要求学院不得以这种方式进行歧视.
禁止的性别歧视包括第九条性骚扰,包括性骚扰. 被禁止的行为类型包括, but are not limited to, 以下例子:性骚扰, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.
不歧视的要求延伸到录取和就业. 有关第九章适用的查询可提交给学院的第九章协调员或美国公民权利助理秘书.S. Department of Education, or both.
公平与包容部助理总裁 & Title IX Coordinator
(240) 895-4105
露西尔·克利夫顿住宅,47645 College Drive, St. Mary’s City, MD 20686
Philadelphia Office
(215) 656-8541