作为全国第一所也是仅有的两所公立荣誉学院之一, 我们的使命是让每个学生都在圣. 马里兰玛丽学院负责自己的前进之路. 我们通过一个叫做 引领.
引领代表 通过体验和应用发现学习. 把它想象成一个包罗万象的综合途径 will prepare you for whatever your next step is—research, 研究生院, 或者劳动力.
是什么 引领?
我们保证 every student the opportunity to engage in a research, internship, or international experience. 把它和你剩下的St. 玛丽学院 experience and you’ll be well on your way to a rewarding career.
从你到达的那一刻起, you’ll explore careers through experiences like microinternships and these below.
- 你将开发一个个性化的 职业和领导力发展计划 that continually aligns your educational experience 与 your career choices.
- You’ll take credit-bearing courses that include growing your professional networks, 加强项目管理等专业技能, 沟通与团队合作, 深入研究你专业的职业规划. 最棒的是? These professional skill courses are incorporated right into every student’s curriculum.
- 你们的个性化计划在我们的 荣誉学院承诺 leading to a career outcome rate 7 percentage points higher than the national average.
“我们的 courses empower students to develop their professional identity and professional skills alongside the critical thinking, 反射, 以及引领计划的实践经验, so that they are well-prepared for whatever challenge or adventure they wish to explore.” ——michael Dunn,专业路径主任
“[The employees at Home Land Environmental Lab] were all very personable and easy to talk to, but most importantly they were inclusive and taught me everything they knew about the lab and the chemistry surrounding drinking water testing.”
St. 玛丽学院 offers an education on par 与 the best private liberal arts colleges, 一个公共机构的价值, 在一个美得惊人的地方. 如果这听起来符合你的口味,那就带头吧.
为什么 引领 如此的重要?
理想的工作: 旅行摄影师/电视录像制作人
实际工作: “My computer science major is a portable asset so I hope to be able to use it to work anywhere in the world.”
校园工作: “I’ve been a reef keeper for about 10 years and had a number of different aquariums where I learned basic plumbing and electrical skills. Working 与 another student in the wet lab helped me learn a ton of things and share my knowledge of reef keeping.” –杰克·埃斯凯,23岁,计算机科学专业
——凯尔西·布什,1994年,政治学 & 社会学人类学
“当你上圣·霍普金斯大学时,你不仅仅是一个数字. 玛丽学院. 这里的教授都很关心和理解. They actually get to know you and personally work 与 you on your strengths and weaknesses a lot better than at a big university.” –24岁的Tae-shi Savage,英语和表演艺术专业
她给所有海鹰的建议: “通过俱乐部、实习、志愿者工作参与校园活动. 你永远不知道你会遇到谁! Some of my best memories came from when I pushed myself out of my comfort zone.”
“I get to work collaboratively on projects 与 people who are professionals in their field. 最棒的是 about this is that it is a learning opportunity as much as it is a work one” ——kevin Glotfelty, 19岁,现在是佐治亚州亚特兰大的一名视频制作助理
“我建议任何有能力的学生申请实习! 实习 are a great way to connect 与 professionals in a work field you are interested in, 并获得从课本上学不到的有价值的建议. They additionally expose you to your intended career path and allow you to apply your knowledge gained from undergrad toward real life situations. 实习 are essential in truly understanding if the career path you are considering taking is right for you!” -Emily Pulkowski ' 21, Interned in Plan Accounting for PGIM Investments in the Virtual Summer 实习 Experience. 因为她的实习, Pulkowski has been hired as a full-time Investment Operations associate at PGIM Investments post-graduation.
“I contribute all of my success as a researcher and educator to the Psychology Department at SMCM, 尤其是SMP的经验. 如果你正在讨论SMP,那就去做吧!” –Kati Peditto ’15, Completed her PhD in human behavior and design from Cornell University. 现在,她是HDR公司的建筑研究主管.
“平面设计实习是一段奇妙的经历! I have learned a lot during it such as technical skills in Adobe Illustrator and InDesign, 以及一般平面设计的注意事项. I genuinely believe that this internship has allowed me to grow from a novice designer to a more professional and refined designer. Everything I have learned so far is essential since I hope on doing freelance work in the future, 所以这次实习是一个基础.” ——贾斯帕·洛佩兹21岁,艺术
“My EXTERNSHIP placement at Personalized Therapy was the perfect opportunity for me based on my professional interests. 没有它, I wouldn’t have learned all that I have and been able to get an INTERNSHIP 与 an occupational therapy clinic near my home. Now I have more than double the hours I need for occupational therapy 研究生院, 网络选项来帮助指导我完成这个过程, 以及对我未来职业更深的热爱.” ——汉娜·迪特里希,心理学,21岁
引领 欧博体育报道
- St. 玛丽学院 of 玛丽land Initiative Rethinks a Liberal Arts Education
Brayan Ruiz Lopez ’24 will be placed in an externship connected to his major and career interests. 这就是SMCM的学生如何领先的优势.
Alyssa Hawkins ’21 plans to put her double major in English and international languages and cultures to work in a career in international law. 下一站是法学院.